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Schedules and milestone dates

The DfE makes payment to providers in line with agreed contractual schedules and training criteria.

Providers are paid a proportionate sum of money relative to the amount of time they support their participants.

Providers must submit declarations ahead of milestone dates (deadlines) to ensure payments are made for a given milestone.

Key concepts

Concept Definition
Schedule The expected timeframe in which a participant will complete their ECF-based training, which determine the defined milestone dates
Standard schedule The default training schedule for participants completing a standard 2 year induction, starting in September, January or April
Extended schedule A non-standard training schedule for participants who expect to complete the induction over a period greater than 2 years. Examples include part-time ECTs, or ECTs whose induction period is extended by their appropriate body
Reduced schedule A non-standard training schedule for participants who expect to complete the induction over a period less than 2 years. Examples include those with previous experience
Replacement schedule A non-standard training schedule for mentors that are replacing a previous mentor for an ECT that is part way through their training
Milestone Contractual retention periods during which providers must submit relevant declarations evidencing ECF-based training delivery and participant retention
Milestone dates The deadline date a valid declaration can be made for a given milestone in order for the DfE to be liable to make a payment the following month. Milestone dates are dependent on the participant’s schedule
Milestone period The period of time between the milestone start date and deadline date
Output payment The sum of money paid by DfE to providers per valid declaration
Payment date The date the DfE will make payment for valid declarations submitted by providers for a given milestone
Milestone validation The API’s process to validate declarations submitted by providers for participants in standard training schedules

Standard schedules and dates

A default 2 year induction training schedule covers 6 terms (3 in each academic year), and therefore has 6 milestones.

The payment model is such that for each of the 6 terms a provider is supporting a participant, DfE will pay the corresponding output payment according to valid declarations submitted.

Declarations submitted for participants in standard schedules will be validated (accepted or rejected) against the 6 milestone dates. View details on milestone validation for standard training schedules.

Note, all participants will be registered by default to a standard schedule starting in September.

Providers must notify DfE if the participant is following any other standard or non-standard training schedule. Contact ECF contract managers via email for additional support or information.

Dates for standard schedule starting in September

2023 cohort

Participants starting their ECF-based training on or before 31 December 2023, and who are expected to complete their training over 2 academic years, should remain on the default schedule:

 "schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-september"
Milestone Start date Milestone date Declaration type Payment date
Participant Start 1 Jun 2023 31 Dec 2023 started 30 Nov 2023
Retention Point 1 1 Jan 2024 31 Mar 2024 retained-1 30 Apr 2024
Retention Point 2 1 Apr 2024 31 Jul 2024 retained-2 31 Aug 2024
Retention Point 3 1 Aug 2024 31 Dec 2024 retained-3 31 Jan 2025
Retention Point 4 1 Jan 2025 31 Mar 2025 retained-4 30 Apr 2025
Participant Completion 1 Apr 2025 31 Jul 2025 completed 31 Aug 2025

2022 cohort

Participants starting their ECF-based training on or before 31 December 2022, and who are expected to complete their training over 2 academic years, should remain on the default schedule:

 "schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-september"
Milestone Start date Milestone date Declaration type Payment date
Participant Start 1 Jun 2022 31 Dec 2022 started 30 Nov 2022
Retention Point 1 1 Jan 2023 31 Mar 2023 retained-1 30 Apr 2023
Retention Point 2 1 Apr 2023 31 Jul 2023 retained-2 31 Aug 2023
Retention Point 3 1 Aug 2023 31 Dec 2023 retained-3 31 Jan 2024
Retention Point 4 1 Jan 2024 31 Mar 2024 retained-4 30 Apr 2024
Participant Completion 1 Apr 2024 31 Jul 2024 completed 31 Aug 2024

2021 cohort

Participants starting their ECF-based training on or before 30 November 2021, and who are expected to complete their training over 2 academic years, should remain on the default schedule:

 "schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-september"
Milestone Start date Milestone date Declaration type Payment date
Participant Start 1 Sep 2021 30 Nov 2021 started 30 Nov 2021
Retention Point 1 1 Sep 2021 31 Jan 2022 retained-1 28 Feb 2022
Retention Point 2 1 Feb 2022 30 Apr 2022 retained-2 31 May 2022
Retention Point 3 1 May 2022 30 Sep 2022 retained-3 31 Oct 2022
Retention Point 4 1 Oct 2022 31 Jan 2023 retained-4 28 Feb 2023
Participant Completion 1 Feb 2023 30 Apr 2023 completed 31 May 2023

Dates for standard schedule starting in January

Participants starting their ECF-based training between 1 January and 31 March 2024, and who are expected to complete their training over 2 academic years, should have their schedule updated by providers to:

 "schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-january"
Milestone Start date Milestone date Declaration type Payment date
Participant Start 1 Jan 2024 31 Mar 2024 started 30 Apr 2024
Retention Point 1 1 Apr 2024 31 Jul 2024 retained-1 31 Aug 2024
Retention Point 2 1 Aug 2024 31 Dec 2024 retained-2 31 Jan 2025
Retention Point 3 1 Jan 2025 31 Mar 2025 retained-3 30 Apr 2025
Retention Point 4 1 Apr 2025 31 Jul 2025 retained-4 31 Aug 2025
Participant Completion 1 Aug 2025 31 Dec 2025 completed 31 Jan 2026

2022 cohort

Participants starting their ECF-based training between 1 January and 31 March 2023, and who are expected to complete their training over 2 academic years, should have their schedule updated by providers to:

 "schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-january"
Milestone Start date Milestone date Declaration type Payment date
Participant Start 1 Jan 2023 31 Mar 2023 started 30 Apr 2023
Retention Point 1 1 Apr 2023 31 Jul 2023 retained-1 31 Aug 2023
Retention Point 2 1 Aug 2023 31 Dec 2023 retained-2 31 Jan 2024
Retention Point 3 1 Jan 2024 31 Mar 2024 retained-3 30 Apr 2024
Retention Point 4 1 Apr 2024 31 Jul 2024 retained-4 31 Aug 2024
Participant Completion 1 Aug 2024 31 Dec 2024 completed 31 Jan 2025

2021 cohort

For participants starting their course on or before 1 December 2021, and who are expected to complete their training over 2 academic years, providers should have their schedule updated by providers to:

 "schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-january"
Milestone Start date Milestone date Declaration type Payment date
Participant Start 1 Dec 2021 31 Jan 2022 started 28 Feb 2022
Retention Point 1 1 Feb 2022 30 Apr 2022 retained-1 31 May 2022
Retention Point 2 1 May 2022 30 Sep 2022 retained-2 31 Oct 2022
Retention Point 3 1 Oct 2022 31 Jan 2023 retained-3 28 Feb 2023
Retention Point 4 1 Feb 2023 30 Apr 2023 retained-4 31 May 2023
Participant Completion 1 May 2023 31 Oct 2023 completed 30 Nov 2023

Dates for standard schedule starting in April

2023 cohort

Participants starting their ECF-based training between 1 April and 31 July 2024, and who are expected to complete their training over 2 academic years, should have their schedule updated by providers to:

 "schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-april"
Milestone Start date Milestone date Declaration type Payment date
Participant Start 1 Apr 2024 31 Jul 2024 started 31 Aug 2024
Retention Point 1 1 Aug 2024 31 Dec 2024 retained-1 31 Jan 2025
Retention Point 2 1 Jan 2025 31 Mar 2025 retained-2 30 Apr 2025
Retention Point 3 1 Apr 2025 31 Jul 2025 retained-3 31 Aug 2025
Retention Point 4 1 Aug 2025 31 Dec 2025 retained-4 31 Jan 2026
Participant Completion 1 Jan 2026 31 Mar 2026 completed 30 Apr 2026

2022 cohort

Participants starting their ECF-based training between 1 April and 31 July 2023, and who are expected to complete their training over 2 academic years, should have their schedule updated by providers to:

 "schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-april"
Milestone Start date Milestone date Declaration type Payment date
Participant Start 1 Apr 2023 31 Jul 2023 started 31 Aug 2023
Retention Point 1 1 Aug 2023 31 Dec 2023 retained-1 31 Jan 2024
Retention Point 2 1 Jan 2024 31 Mar 2024 retained-2 30 Apr 2024
Retention Point 3 1 Apr 2024 31 Jul 2024 retained-3 31 Aug 2024
Retention Point 4 1 Aug 2024 31 Dec 2024 retained-4 31 Jan 2025
Participant Completion 1 Jan 2025 31 Mar 2025 completed 30 Apr 2025

2021 cohort

For participants starting their course on or before 1 February 2022, and who are expected to complete their training over 2 academic years, providers should have their schedule updated by providers to:

 "schedule_identifier": "ecf-standard-april"
Milestone Start date Milestone date Declaration type Payment date
Participant Start 1 Feb 2022 31 May 2022 started 31 May 2022
Retention Point 1 1 May 2022 30 Sep 2022 retained-1 31 Oct 2022
Retention Point 2 1 Oct 2022 31 Jan 2023 retained-2 28 Feb 2023
Retention Point 3 1 Feb 2023 30 Apr 2023 retained-3 31 May 2023
Retention Point 4 1 May 2023 31 Oct 2023 retained-4 30 Nov 2023
Participant Completion 1 Nov 2023 31 Jan 2024 completed 28 Feb 2024

Validating declarations against milestones

Declarations submitted for participants on standard schedules are subject to milestone validation.

Note, milestone validation does not apply to any non-standard schedules.

The API will perform milestone validation to reject a declaration if:

  • it is not submitted for the correct milestone. For example, the API will reject a retained-1 declaration if it is submitted during the started milestone period
  • it is submitted before or after the milestone date. For example, an ecf-standard-september schedule allows started declarations between 19 November to 30 November. A declaration submitted outside of these dates will be rejected, unless its declaration_date is backdated accordingly
  • it corresponds to a participant’s updated schedule, but the participant has previously submitted declarations corresponding to the former schedule (which have not yet been voided).

Non-standard schedules and dates

A standard 2 year induction training schedule covers 6 terms (3 in each academic year), and therefore has 6 milestones. However, a participant can choose to follow a non-standard schedule: extended, reduced or replacement.

The payment model for non-standard schedules follows the same principles; DfE will pay the equivalent of 1 output payment (according to valid declarations submitted) for each of the 6 terms a provider is supporting a participant.

Declarations submitted for participants in non-standard schedules do not need API milestone validation.

Providers should note:

Extended schedules

While the API will accept any declarations submitted after the first milestone start date (1 September, 1 January, 1 April each year), providers must submit declarations according to the terms outlined in the ECF contract payment guidance.

Contact ECF contract managers via email for more information on exact dates.

Participants who expect to complete their ECF-based training in more than 2 years, should have their schedule updated to one for the following:

 "schedule_identifier": "ecf-extended-september"
 "schedule_identifier": "ecf-extended-january"
 "schedule_identifier": "ecf-extended-april"

Providers may submit extended declarations for ECTs on an extended schedule, providing they meet certain criteria.

Qualifying ECTs will have had their induction extended as a result of having not yet met the Teachers’ standards, and need additional support to meet the standards. These ECTs must be placed onto one of the available ‘extended schedules’ for ECF.

Providers may submit an extended declaration (subject to meeting the engagement criteria) for each extended term until the ECT has completed their induction, up to a maximum of three extensions. On completing induction, the provider should submit a completion declaration for the final term.

Providers may submit extended declarations using the following values in the declaration_type field on the participant declaration request body:

  • extended-1
  • extended-2
  • extended-3

Reduced schedules

Reduced schedules apply to participants that expect to complete their ECF-based training in less than 2 years.

Providers should note:

  • providers may identify ECTs that have already completed their induction, and so need to be placed on a reduced schedule, via the API. We include details of the date an ECT completed their induction in the v3 EcfParticipantAttributes
  • while the API will accept any declarations submitted after the first milestone start date (1 September, 1 January, 1 April each year), providers must submit declarations according to the terms outlined in the ECF contract payment guidance

Contact ECF contract managers via email for more information on exact dates.

Participants who expect to complete their ECF-based training in less than 2 years, should have their schedule updated to one for the following:

 "schedule_identifier": "ecf-reduced-september"
 "schedule_identifier": "ecf-reduced-january"
 "schedule_identifier": "ecf-reduced-april"

Replacement schedules

While the API will accept any declarations submitted after the first milestone start date (1 September, 1 January, 1 April each year), providers must submit declarations according to the terms outlined in the ECF contract payment guidance.

Contact ECF contract managers via email for more information on exact dates.

Providers should note:

  • replacement schedules should only be used where a new mentor takes the place of a previous mentor (in supporting an ECT’s training), but where the new mentor is not also mentoring any other ECTs
  • replacement schedules should not be used if a mentor is already mentoring an ECT and takes on an additional role replacing a mentor for a second ECT. A mentor’s first ECT should take precedence in determining their schedule

Mentors that are not already training ECTs and are replacing a mentor must be should have their schedule updated to one for the following:

 "schedule_identifier": "ecf-replacement-september"
 "schedule_identifier": "ecf-replacement-january"
 "schedule_identifier": "ecf-replacement-april"